Parks and green areas
Bosco dell’Isola

Latitudine: 45.428881
Longitudine: 9.888554
This is one of the largest and most fascinating natural protected areas of the entire Park, continues at the boundary. It is part of three provinces: that of Brescia with the city of Orzinuovi and the town of Roccafranca, that of Bergamo with the small village of Torre Pallavicina and that of Cremona with the town of Soncino. The predominant vegetation is mixed woodland: black poplar, oak and elm. The great maple, the common and the hop hornbeam, chestnut, alder, black locust, the white willow and the reed all have a predominant place amongst the plant species. Adventuring along the paths of the reserves you can meet friendly animals like hazel dormice, the common dormouse, hedgehogs, moles, hares and wild rabbits, frogs and toads. With a little luck you may also encounter some rarer animals, such as weasels, martens, badgers and foxes. Looking skywards you may catch a glimpse of an egret or grey heron. Crows, seagulls, blackbirds, woodpeckers and swallows live in the dense tangles of branches. Coots glide across the water while the long-eared owl and the little owl move through the darkness of the night.