Castle of Trebecco

Latitudine: 45.651114
Longitudine: 9.924272
On the side of a hill, along the old communication route that runs alongside the River Oglio, linking Credaro to Calepio, stands the castle of Trebecco. Its structure has remained essentially unaltered over the centuries. It is an extraordinary example of a fortified mediaeval village and construction probably began in the 10th century with the only entrance being a tower. Inside there are irregularly arranged courts, separated by a narrow internal road that divides the entire structure in two. Various changes in ownership have led to divisions over time, which has contributed significantly to the decline of the village, but recent restoration works have made it possible to recover some of its ancient splendour. We suggest taking a walk from Trebecco Castle to the Castle and village of Calepio, which can be accessed via steps from the road mentioned earlier.