Churches and religious buildings
Church of San Pietro

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Latitudine: 45.662237
Longitudine: 9.944521
Originally the church of San Pietro, also known as Madonna del Buon Consiglio, may have been a small chapel, possibly built in the fifteenth century. Many believe that this building could have been the first parish church, as it is situated close to the only road that led to Capriolo. The current building is the result of restoration that began in the early 18th century and of expansion in 1855. Every year, on the 8th of December, “Our Lady Immaculate” is celebrated here, the celebration is also known locally as the “Madonna dei Pom”, or Madonna of the Apples. At one time, as a reminder of when Eve offered Adam the fruit of knowledge, young men offered an apple to the young lady that they one day wished to marry, and if the girl accepted, it was assumed that they would marry in the not too distant future.