Lantieri Castle

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Latitudine: 45.655781
Longitudine: 9.951954
The famous Castello Lantieri, whose evocative ruins sadly cannot be visited, was probably erected in the 13th century on the top of the ruins of an older castle, and was built to dominate the surrounding landscape from its higher ground, with views from the outlet of the lake to the roads leading to the plains. The Lantieri family, which was already divided into many branches in the fifteenth century, was part of the Ghibelline faction and was very powerful in the area, with several properties also outside Paratico. According to tradition however, it was at this castle that Dante Alighieri was a guest of the family. The main tower, with its almost square plan of about 10 metres per side, must have been almost 15 metres tall and structured over four floors. In the late 15th century the castle, the ownership of which was divided between several members of the family, was still inhabited, but upon the passage of the landsknechts (1521), the castle proved to be undefended and practically abandoned.