Monticelli d’Oglio – Rural villages and Palazzo Greppi – Gironda

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For information: Verolavecchia Tourist Board:
The rural villages can be considered part of living rural archaeology. Borgo Bompensiero in Villachiara, Monticelli d’Oglio and Scorzarolo in the Quinzano d/O area and Verolavecchia, Bettegno and Campazzo at Pontevico are all characterised by large agricultural courts and simple two-storey homes. The porticoed structures where the sharecroppers lived and the owner’s palazzo can easily be distinguished from the rest of the architecture. Here we breathe the atmosphere of the 1900s: the work of the labourers, the class divisions, the privileges of the nobility and the social hierarchies that defined the era. Palazzo Greppi – Gironda at Monticelli d’Oglio is a noble seventeenth century palazzo that overlooks the river; it is situated in a cluster of houses surrounded by walls to form a small rural village.